Are Labor Unions Really On The Rise? | Join the Conversation Today! | October 9, 2022 • Labor union support at 57-year high • Rail workers recently negotiated an immediate 14% pay increase, rising to 24% by2024 • 77% of young employees approve of unionization – up significantly from 5 years ago Let's #kickthenumber about union participation and support in the United States. Despite labor union support at a 57-year high, only 9% of adults in the United States say they are union members. This includes 7% of all private sector employees and 37% of public sector employees. Unions are organizing, however, now at Amazon, Apple, Starbucks, and Trader Joe’s as well as aggressively pushing labor-friendly activist shareholder proposals. With today’s economic uncertainty, are labor unions really on the rise in the United States? Are today’s political and business leaders ready?

Posted by KickTheNumber at 2022-10-09 18:41:54 UTC